Terms and conditions

The Uinta Brewing website is provided for visitors/users who are of legal drinking age of alcoholic beverages. Terms and Conditions are outlined below in an effort to set clear expectations between Uinta Brewing and visitors (users) who use the website. By entering the Uinta Brewing website, the user agrees to legally abide by the terms and conditions outlined below. Please exit this site if you do not agree to abide by the terms and conditions or if you are not of legal age to drink alcoholic beverages or if you are from a country where the consumption of alcoholic beverages is illegal or not permitted.

Copyright and Trademarks

© Uinta Brewing Company. The content, arrangement, and/or compilation of this site is the property of Uinta Brewing Company and/or its content providers, and is protected by U.S. and international copyright laws. Copying, re-publishing or distributing content from this site is prohibited without the express permission of Uinta Brewing Company.


Uinta Brewing may provide links to other websites as a convenience to its users. Uinta Brewing is not responsible for content or the experience of using another website. Uinta Brewing doesn't automatically endorse another company or another's site. Leaving the Uinta Brewing site for another site is at the risk of the user.

Disclaimers of Warranties and Damages

You, the user of the site, agree to enter the Uinta Brewing website at your own risk. While every effort is put forth to ensure the accuracy of the information provided on the website, Uinta Brewing does not warrant the information materials or content on the website to be error-free. Uinta Brewing works to provide accurate information, prevent viruses and interruption, but Uinta Brewing CAN NOT guarantee the user that the information is complete or error-free. Uinta Brewing will not be held liable for bad experiences, damages arising form any inaccuracy of information, viruses or other harmful components downloaded from this site. The Uinta Brewing website (including all content, software, functions, materials and information) is provided by Uinta Brewing Company on an "as is" condition. Uinta Brewing makes no representations, express or implied, as to the operation of the site or its content, software, functions, materials and information. Uinta Brewing disclaims all warranties, expressed or implied. Uinta Brewing Company shall under no circumstances be liable to any user and/or third party for any damages of any kind arising from the use of this site, including, but not limited to, direct , indirect, special, punitive or consequential damages even if Uinta Brewing has been advised of the possibility of such damages. Uinta Brewing's maximum liability is limited to a refund of the purchase price paid for any product purchased through this site.

Privacy Notice

Uinta Brewing strives to provide a positive experience for users of the Uinta Brewing website and works to ensure the privacy of its users. Please read the privacy policy provided at the website.

Termination of Access

Uinta Brewing may terminate or suspend your access to all or part of the Uinta Brewing website without notice for conduct Uinta Brewing believes is in violation of any applicable law or is in anyway harmful to the interests of Uinta Brewing, its employees, another user, a third-party provider, merchant, sponsor, or other provider. Mis-using material, mis-representing Uinta employees or products, copying anything, wrongly sharing or distributing information obtained from the Uinta Brewing site is included in the concept of "harmful to the interests of Uinta Brewing."

User Suggestions

Visitors to the Uinta Brewing website may choose to send electronic mail or other input to Uinta Brewing. If the user chooses to share suggestions/ideas with Uinta Brewing, the user does so voluntarily and acknowledges that there is no compensation. Contact the brewery by telephone or in person if you wish to receive recognition other than good kudos.

The Law

The Uinta Brewing website is created and controlled in the state of Utah and follows the laws within the state of Utah.


Everything about the Uinta Brewing website including, but not limited to, photos, content, materials, graphics, logos, layout, visuals, text, font choices, sense of humor, workmanship, names of beers or anything else, slogans, promotional ideas, etc. belong to Uinta Brewing Company—it is the intellectual property of Uinta Brewing. Do not use without written permission from Uinta Brewing. Do not publish or present as your own when it belongs to Uinta Brewing. Uinta Brewing may have links or content from other websites and Uinta does not in guarantee the accuracy of this information provided by other companies/websites/partnerships. Uinta Brewing does its best to provide accurate information but can't guarantee an error-free website. Uinta Brewing strives to provide accurate and interesting information reading the brewery. There is no intention to offend users or to provide incorrect information. If a user is offended by language or graphics or anything else, or if the user discovers incorrect information, it is solely Uinta Brewing's decision to remove or add content for whatever reason. Uinta Brewing disclaims any obligation to update information.